Sunday, August 2, 2009

Writing Journal Paper 1...

So, here is an actual assignment that we were given to do in my END 098-5 class, get ready for some laughs. You will notice that I have always been bitter.

Spencer ??????????

END 098-5
Sarah L. Dye
February 22, 1994

paper 1 BABY
on campus description
On 2-15-93 I sat downstairs in the carpeted lounge and witnessed some goings on of the students of ECC,most of the ones I saw were just watching television showing of a movie. I could hear scuffling of peoples feet on tyhe carpetfloor,plus the laughter of friends making jokes about one another.
One thing that stuck out like a needle in a hay stack was the loud phones that the school uses. When someone would go outside to smoke a cigarrette I could feel a soft breeze across my face. The crowd around the television just sat there still as a tree while everyone else in the school oblivious to their presence in the lounge. Some people sat along the walkways behind the counselors orifices. Some teachers would be walking with a cart with wheels and it would be quiet for on second then be loud from rolling over the bricks planted in the hallway floor. I guess you could say there was a constant HUMMMMMMMMMM frummm the monotone voices that were speaking but were not understood to me,but then again I wasn't really paying attention to pick out a specific conversation. 11:45,five more minutes then I can leave school. That cold breeze gives me shiver up and down my spine I see people standing by the elevator for minutes when in that time waiting they could have been upstairs by the time the elevator got to the first floor.
I see the signs in the lounge that read "no food or drink in the lounge area" and I see people all the time eating&drinking all the time spilling their food & drinks onto the carpet floor only to pick up the cup or can which has fallen or maybe this time it will be a sandwich,pizza,or SUZY-Q. I cannot believe that grown adults can't clean up after themselves. If the situation were to occur at their home they would have cleaned it up in five minutes or less to try and remove the stain.
I can't believe the amount of respect these "adults" lack in a mature environment such as college.

Okay, I cannot believe the amount of comma spacing that I'm lacking in this paper. All of the errors above are typed just as I wrote them in 1994, yeah and I know the year says '93 in the beginning, but hey, that's how I fahq'd opp orginally.

As of the end of this post I am currently listening to "Yli Saapas Varresta" by Texas Faggot from an unknown album, I got this one from Thixxndixx back in 2006 though. Psychedelic Trance from Finland as far as I know.

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