Saturday, February 21, 2009

Garage or Gay Rage?

So, I don't know if the 7 of you who read this knew this or not, but I used to have a mini-ramp. I used to be pretty good on them B in the D, now this here is where my inner Barney comes out and talks about how good I was and how great it was then. You see doing a frontside slide to fakie is pretty hard, but on this ramp I had them pretty good sliding them pretty much the whole length of about 5 feet. Chink Chinks? Sure, I had those too, even going 270* back in. I used to be able do them into a frontside Willy to fakie also. I wouldn't credit myself as being a "mini-ramp Champ" by any means, but i had enough flow to keep a session going for those who were. Get ready for the name drop in... 1... 2... 3... Johnny Fonseca even skated my ramp. You see, Johnny used to live in Aurora, IL and skated for Rich's Skateshop before they moved to Geneva, IL where I worked after they moved there. There were only like 4 good minis in the area, Mine, Kevin Buchwald, Chip McDougal & Brian Ayersman (sp), so we all got to know and become friends with so many different people, June Bug even used to come out and skate with us in Batavia, IL at Brian's ramp. This is a photo of Kevin Buchwald @ Chip's Ramp in Wayne, IL from 1990.

We laid my baby to rest in 1995, below is a pic of me before her majestic flaming glory. Goodbye & thanks for the Chink Chinks, Rest In Piss.



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