So, as most of you know, and for those of you who don't, I have driven Audis since 1990, 6 of them. Well a few years ago, around the middle of 2006, I heard about them releasing a new model called the R8, this this is so Bad Ass I wish i had the money to buy one. That and a home to store it in a Garage on rainy days. When I first heard about it it was a European release only at the time. They had a virtual tour and 360* picture gallery, also there is a section where you can build your own. If you have a 6 figure income you might be able to do that route. Too bad that my 6 figure income has 5 zeros in front of it. I even had a airbrushed shirt made at the auto show in 2005 of the Audi rings all chromed out reading "Audi Pride". I was wearing the shirt once, just going to my car to get something out of it, as I wait to cross the street for a car to pass it slows and the driver stares at me and just sits at the stop sign. I go to my car, grab my phone charger and am proceeding back inside when the driver rolls down his window and says "Hey" I reply "Yeah?" to which he responds "Nice Shirt", I say "Thanks, I Know".
You see, the guy was also driving an Audi and could relate with my pride. At that moment I felt alive, a part of something, something great, greater than anything I can explain, not seen or heard, but felt. Deep in my Soul, and I'm not even Black.
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