So, here is another useless piece of info about my life. I have noticed lately that after I have some sort of weird dream that the one thing that has been remained constant after every one was the fact that something was pushing against bottom part of my head at the base of my skull, and that I tended to have the most vivid, interesting & sometimes FUXD up dreams.
So, as of late, I have been trying to self induce these dreams by falling asleep with my hand or pillow placed just under the curve of my head behind my left Ear.
So, I looked into it more deeply and found out that your brain activity, the part that is responsible for dreams is your Occipital Lobe , and it is here that dreams are made. Well, at least mine.
The Occipital Lobe, in short, has to do with your vision & hallucinations if any trauma were done to the area. What if this "trauma" were non-harmful? So, here. I give you this piece of poetry from my brain...
"Dreams induced for pleasure by pressure. Whether occipital serendipitous fantasies subsume purple waters & golden life or coital affirmations reassure a dull sunday for digital consumption, The spectral glow of your energy flow will always show as you hang still from the branches of Yggdrasil." - Spencer, Lonely Boy, Hudude Being, iSapien 1956672, SRCBypass.
As of the end of this post I am currently listening to "Pretty Girls (slow)
Here's another album
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