Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Bros Are Back In Town...

So, some of the old Manatee crew is going to be in town this week for a few days/weeks. My first sighting was Tim Ward from Chumphange blogitude, he just drove back 27 hours from Temp, AZ with his Daddy. I saw him at Wilson Skatepark in the Chi (pronounced Shy, not Chee or Chai which is pronouced Ch-eye not Kai) he rolled up with POB & Dav, you should know Dav from Yay! A shoppe for boards over at his Skate Illinois webplace or @ Yay Beardshop funness center. The word on the street From Six Pack Chris (Poke It) is that we are getting a Fetter in the town also, now all we need is for Chris Smith to take some time off from the art scene and have a big hoopla of a time eating Pizza & Sipping Liquids. Matt Blevins, Alex "lefty" Cohen, Pat Franklin & Zach Arctander (spelling?) Gordon & even BMX rider Kevin Porter showed up for a minute to film a line which I kept getting in his way almost every time on accident. He said it was cool because it looked like I was having more fun. On a different subject, I wore shorts skating for the first time this year. Man, was that weird. Legs were a little white, but you could still see my sock tan from years past. I'm being a puss about trying to 5-O & Tailslide an 18 inch metal edge curb. I don't know why, I know I can ollie over a 24 inch cone from flat & even up onto a 30 inch wall. What's with people waxing their Boards and Trucks? I'm sorry, but go faster and lean back into it a little, chances are it's you that is doing something wrong, not the board or curb. Now I understand that some types of surfaces need some coaxing, but not a metal edge at a skatepark. Maybe a 30 year old rusty pipe or a freshly poured curb. Wipe off that sweat from your greasy energy drink filled forehead. I think I might have to make a video about how to & when to apply wax. I really should take a shower now, I mean it's 2:15 in the afternoon for X's sake, get some food stuffs, look for a job & go play on my skateboard at the skateboard field. I keep typing Skateboard as skatebpard or skatebpoard. WTF fat fingers, I never learned how to type correctly. As of the time of the end of this post I am currently listening to "The Candy Man" by Sloppy Seconds from the album "Destroyed" 1989. There I go again, I end the post and forget about something else that happened, so NOOOOW I am listening to "Antichrist" by Slayer from the album "Show No Mercy" 1983


  1. its not the metal edge thats even getting waxed. its beloe it or on the top of said ledge. for the wheel, or the nose. chill, brah, you're over barneying. sin.

  2. in my world you can never overbarney, just like you can never over flatbelly, now if you under flatbellied, we'd have a poseur problem. underbarneying would be like be like hanging on to the dream.



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