So, I don't know if the Seven of you know this, but the Wipers are one of my favorite bands of all time. I first got into then in the early 90's after czeching them out because they were on Enigma & Restless records as were two of my other favorite bands, Agent Orange & Adrenalin O.D. who I listened to all the time in Junior High & High School. The cassette tapes of said labels had a tear-off card for ordering merchandise & a small list of artists on the label for you to czech out. This is where I saw Wipers , so whenever I would go to my local Camelot Music I would look for any Wipers tapes. I never found any ever at Camelot, it wasn't until I started going to Reckless Records in Chicago, around 1990, that I found a used Wipers cassette, This is when I purchased Follow Blind , a superb album.
It starts with the title track, "Follow Blind", a deeply depressing song that makes you wanna walk around the city in the rain by yourself and contemplate life, the guitar on this track conveys so much emotion, gives me chills & makes me close my eyes. The same can be said, about the guitar, of the song "Let it Slide", the solo in this is sooooo great, I can't even begin to think about how many time I rewound that track just to hear that guitar part in "let it slide" or how many times I listened to that tape.
This whole album is perfect, the track "Losers Town" tells you not to stay in one place too long. The next track "coming down" starts off with some great bluesy solo (to me anyway). Greg Sage is a master at recording, guitar playing & song writing. At 17 years old He worked with a Portland, OR pro wrestler by the name of Beauregarde on an album in 1971, his guitar work on the track "Tomorrow, Tomorrow" is just phenomenal, considering he was only 17.
Around 1991-'92 while watching an interview with Kurt Cobain on MTV or something I heard him mention the wipers, I was all like, "whoa cool!", because I had been a huge fan of Navarna since 1989 when "bleach
So, after hearing him say that I felt like we were closer because we loved the same band. I too wished to play and or record with Greg Sage even if it were just tuning his guitar or drink coffee during a playback. I think that my cassette of "Follow Blind" was in my all of my cars from 1990-2006. I even found another one and bought it because I was sure the one I had was gunna wear out from me playing it so much.
Now I listen off of iPods which always has a small selection of Greg Sage
As of the end of this post I am currently listening to "The Circle
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