Monday, March 30, 2009

Again With The Snow...

So, it snowed last noight. Yeah, overnoight it loik snowed sooo hella, shit was done gone and melted by 4pm though. One of the great things about living in Chicago. Speaking of the Chi, (Pronounced Shy, not Chee or Chai which is pronounced Ch-Eye not Kai) we have a new Nike (Pronounced Ny-Key, not N'ike) as pictured above.

It is a shoe created by Steve "dread" Snyder who was in the band UNGH! who were featued on a Thrasher Skaterock compilation, I do believe. Also, those guys from UNGH! were all art student friends and disbanded and re-arranged the letters to form "H-Gun" as in H-Gun studios who went on to do videos for NIN, Megadeth, La Tour, Public Enemy and many more. Had UNGH! been signed to Geffen Records, H-Gun prolly wouldn't ever have existed. Now, try thinking about that during your altering history conversation at the coffee house.

Oh Yeah, did you also know that after UNGH! that Zimmerman was in the group Crunch-Ø-Matic? If any of my info about UNGH! or H-Gun is wrong, please write corrections in the comments. Steve Dread also rode for ALVA skateboards, as pictured above, this is the photo with Jesse Neuhaus, they said "it looked like some bikers kidnapped some kid" because Jesse looked to "clean cut" Jesse still rips to this day. He was pro for ALVA.

Wait, where was I? Oh yeah going on about the Shoe. I didn't get a pair yet, but my friend Ben (redgrave) was wearing a pair of them during filming. He got them for free due to the "Bro/Bro-Down" factor. what I mean is that Ben is a Bro & Uprise is the Bro-Down. The shoe is an Uprise/Dread/Chicago representation. (Uprise is an old skateshop & new shoe boutique, just hit their 10 year mark, before that it was called Blue Town, which was owned by Jesse, B in the D, B4 he sold it to some out of staters & a girl who didn't skate to rep the Chi). No H8'n just callin'. Tryin' to rep that the Chi is all baby blue like the Ambrose or something, but I think that Ambrose are baby blue & black, so maybe it's the flag colors or something? WHTVS, it's a wonder of humansity or some whack ass shit for some sucka MC's.

I used to work with a guy in 1994 who was all hardcore Ambrose. It's funny how dudes are just regular Bros when you work with them at jobs. Like this other dude I worked with in 1996 would run around yelling TPK (Tu Pac Killaz) all the time during work, one of the funniest guys I've met Mike Czubatuik or something polish sounding. I will always remember that guy. Yada Yada Yada, Dread + Jesse + the Shoe above = long winded post (since i'm not talking is it still considered long winded?) Maybe it should be long lettered? Sure beats posting 30+ videos on Fabecook, eh?

Man, I posted just vids going through my musical genre exploration, discovery & curiosity of my self-Identification during my teeny bopper years which rolled into my early 20's. Do any of the seven of you really like reading these things? Maybe they just give you a good laugh to break up your mundane day of sitting in a Cubicle Typing or serving Donuts to Mexicans. Sorry for no Hot-Links in this post, it's late 3:07am to be precise, I fell asleep at 8pm Sunday and woke up at 12:30am. Great, eh? So, now I will end this thing.

By the time of the end of this post I am currently listening to "Snorry Mouth" by Mercury Rev from the album "Boces" 1993. After my vid post for "Bronx Cheer" on Fabecook & Jeff Hedges vid post for "Frittering", I got the bug for some good headphone dreaming while typing, as you can see words just fall while in this mode.
Much like listening to the groups Secret Side & Intriga while making my Board for my f(r)iend Lou's art show @ EXP in 2007. Ganoight, gunna look for some Zzzzz's to chase. Well, after fucking around editing typos & adding words, I am now at "Bronx Cheer" going backward in iTunes from date added.



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