So, I'm friends with a Black 19 year old Boy. I know, I know, but it was bound to happen someday. I consider this Darky to be one of my closest friends. At the skatepark when everyone else is "playing skate" we are out there pushing the envelope by playing "True Nigger". You see with Alex, that's it's name, it's all good. That's what these people say, it means "fine and dandy" to us. While these kids at the park are "playing", we are "skating". We use the whole park to do our tricks.
We don't have a flip trick game to try and see who's penis is smaller, 'cuz well, it's black and "it" goes to the left. Oh & it's a Jew also. Screw the Bus, get on the Boat! When we play "True Nigger" we try to do weird tricks on difficult objects. Sometimes we play "True Playa". Sometimes it seems to get unfair because, it being Black, it has an extra calf muscle from all those Millennia of getting chased by Lions & Giraffes and shit. Oooh, I mentioned it's also Half-Black right? Well sometimes it will try to Jew you out of the bill if you take it out for food in public. This species is odd & hard to understand. That's why it made me an officer @ Buster Bear, I'm the Lonely Boy and together we wash the bad tastes of Racism away like a can of Grape soda or bottle of Ripple. I'm its daddy and it's my boi.
I even share Food with it and let it ride in the front seat. Racism is wrong! We believe you can be a Nigger no matter what color. It's wrong to segregate. Why should just one race or color have a certain name? It is just unfair, biased & elitist!
As of the end of this post I am currently listening to "Keg Kept A Flowing" by the Boneless Ones from the album "Thrasher Skate rock Vol. 3: Wild Riders of Boards" 1985.
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