Thursday, March 12, 2009

Make It Sound Like Hitler's Bunker...

So, I don't know if the 7 of you knew this or not, but I used to write music on my synthesizers. I once was in the group Cruciform Injection and played Guitars & Keyboards for them from 1998-2003.
From going to clubs and handing out demos we met a guy named Wintre Laake. He liked our sound and liked what I could come up with on the Synthesizer.

Wintre opened up for us at one of our Halloween shows doing spoken word while I did live improvisational Synth accompany behind him, on my JD-800. Real spooky ethereal stuff on that synth.
The opening lines were this satanic chant all in Latin, which contained something like "In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi" It was a charge, man.

The JD-800 can almost hit the brown note, I swear, and in a split second drop of a slider, make it scream like a banshee. Anyway, Wintre liked the sound of my live Improv and asked me to work with him on a project. We worked on some songs, one of which he made into a video. This being the video above.
I also wrote another song for us and it turned out he had written some words that fit the tune perfectly in timing, the song was called "Lora Cum Loude."
One he liked it so much that he sent it around to some people to hear it, and said that one person had gotten back to him about the song and saying "it would be perfect for the upcoming Tomb Raider Soundtrack."

I dragged my feet on finishing the song and ultimately never made it by the deadline.
I was working this print shop job that had me up at 5am and home by 6pm, so artistic creativity & sitting in my Studio for hours was the last thing on my mind at the end of the day.
I still have all the original Mini-Discs of the material and prolly have all the 3.5" disks for the workstation synth with the raw files on them. Plus, I recently came across some old MP3's on my old computer from 1999, that's about the time that the song above dates from, or should I say, "this song is circa 1999?"

By the time of the ending of this post I am currently listening to "Over The Edge" by Underdog from the album "Vanishing Point" 1989 side note: (chuck treece played on this album)

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