Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Punk's Not Dead...

So, I had this MP3 of an old punk mixtape. It was just one of the many things I lost, losing it in the Great 500GB crash of 2008.
I went on a mission to find the man responsible for it, I sent out emails for weeks to various suspects of a punk/skate youth upbringing around the time of 1986.
It all payed off, I finally got a hit today letting me know that it was in fact Him. He sent me the link for it & I am now so happy today, what a great thing to wake up to, well, maybe waking up to a girl in your bed is better, but hey, I'll take this.
I thought I would share with my friends. Yes, I consider you 7 people my friends. The Top picture is the scan of the tape & the bottom picture is of me in 1987, this is the music I was listening to around the same time. My first introduction to Gang Green was the February 1987 Thrasher.

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