So, I dunno if y'all like this song as much as I do, but when I first heard this in 1990 I was all like "who the frick is this?"
I had no clue, I heard Descendents
back when I was in like 8th grade (12-13) in this dude's van who we skated with, he was 3 years older and just got his license, but I had no idea the name of the band. All I remember were the songs "Sour Grapes
" "Wendy
" "80's Girl
" and of course all the fart out takes in the studio. I was all giddy when I heard them and the album I later learned to find out was "Enjoy
Since I didn't know the band's name I eventually lost touch and just kept to finding new music through Trasher in Igor's Record collection. It wasn't until when "Somery
" came out in 1991 (now 16) the I realized that this was the band I heard in that van years ago. So I then started searching for all the cassette tapes by that band, CDs hadn't become the norm yet even though I bought mai 1st CD in 1989. That CD was "Wrong
, but that's for a later post.
So, seeing that I had no clue who Descendents
were, I therefore had been missing out on ALL, or at least so I thought. Turns out that I'd been listening to ALL for the last year and had didn't even know it.
When I turned 16 in 1990 I started driving out to Rockford, IL. to skate at Rotation Station. Soemwhere along the way a blank black cassette tape turned up in mai glove box, and for the longest time I never listened to it because I thought it was a different blank black cassette tape that mai brother had left in the car, until I was looking for soemthing in the glove box and saw two blank black cassette tapes...
This piqued mai interest and I put in the unknown tape, there was a studio album with a dope track called "Hot Rod Lincoln
" and other songs called "Mary
" "Scary Sad
" and "Bubblegum
" that were awesome, and of course the song in this video
The other side of the tape had a live release
by the saem band. But... W[ho]TF was this group and how & when did this end up in mai car?
For about the next year I just listened to that tape loving every note, chord, melody, and every emotional pulling string. Even when I heard "Somery
" in mai friends car the dei he bought I hadn't known they were both related, not until about 1992 (18).
Now, I know I was prolly a late bloomer on knowing who ALL were, but I had been listening to them for the past 2 years. This all came about when soembody was in mai car and I was playing the tape and told them the story above about it just being in the glove box not having any idea how it got there. They were all like "Dude, this is ALL, the guys from Descendents
after they broke up."
So then I flipped out, now I had a name to go with the music and I could spend all mai, soft earned, teen money on their discography. I then hit up every used record store at any chance I got, rifling through their tape section looking for anything by them.
Even though I had got a guitar for Santa's Birthdei 1990, I never started to play the above song until September 2010. I started playing it in all power chords until one dei I was just fucking around with finger placement and strummed it the right way and thought "hey, that's the opening to..." and put it on, played the beginning a few times and they had the saem notes. I was zooo pzyched to have stumbled on how to play it correct, and now here we are.
The next step is to get all the notes of the solo part nailed down...
As of the end of this post I am currently listening to "Country Girl" by Q65
from the album "Singles A's & B's
(disc 2)" this track was released in 1971, I forget the compilation year.
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