So, there was a time when I was 13 and in 7th grade... I'm sure we all were at one point.
Anyway, I liked Tony Hawk and wanted mai hair cut to look like his. I had given a Tracker Trucks ad to mai Mom for reference, as you might have read previously. In mai post called "Tony Hawk's Hair" you can plainly see the aftermath.
Well, this dude from Arizona, Brandon, over at GOCHTV had seen the picture on FB and thought it was pretty funny, so he made not only a shirt of the picture, he also made a video and posted it on his YouTube channel for all to see, mai boihood sk8r krush, Tony Hawk.
Enjoy the tribute vid... and czech oat all the vids on GOCHTV.
They beez Over-The-Top funny.
I still ROFLcopter every time I watch this. (the game)
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