So, once upon a time there was a band by the name of the Tygers of Pan Tang, a band riding the New Wave of British Heavy Metal or NWOBHM as it has become known, a great band with powerful licks and heavy kicks. Why this band never got the notoriety that Iron Maiden or Saxon I will never know. Hell, even Grim Reaper got more coverage than these guys. I found this album as a digital DWNLD back in January of this year, 2009, and was blown away on why I hadn't heard of this band before now. You never hear of this band whenever they do those NWOBHM stories on television. So let me just inform you on some band albums from this era that you should listen to.
Volume 1 by Pagan Altar has a kind of Sabbath feel to it being dark and broody, Cloak & Dagger by Witchfynde sounds like Christopher Guest stole from their sound for Spinal Tap or the Self-Titled album by Cloven Hoof which make great use of dual guitar solo harmonizing on pretty much every song which is something I never get tired of hearing. If all you know of the NWOBHM is Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motörhead or even just the first three Def Leppard albums, please dig deeper into a whole movement that influenced generations to start bands in their garages and gave us all the birth of the modern Air Guitar. For a short time in my life, between '87-'89, I was known as "the skater with Megadeth on his shoe.". (or wherever you put periods when using quotes).
As of the end of this post I am Currently listening to "Skate Death" by Skate Death from the album "You Break It - You Buy It" released in 1985.
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